As you can see, I painted one up. While this is not as old as some of my other miniatures, its is something that Games Workshop, Citadel are no long producing (2000 I think). This was a very quick paint for me, I got the base coat on the day before and tried to keep the colours simple. The skin tone is the same as the leather straps binding the host, but shaded with a lighter brown. To give the skin a more deathly look, then I've dry brushed the 'daemon forced' areas with some reds. Along with a 'skin' pink on other parts. The leather was given 2 'brown' washes then highlighted with the base colour to pick out key parts. The metal chains and such are just a silver, with a dark oil wash and minimal highlights. Some areas, like between the fingers are given a dark highlight. Then a few bits picked out with other colours, like the white on the syringes in its leg and red seals.
Below are some closeups of the detail on the 'Imperial Seals' and the Syringes.