With this effort I have build up a small themed force of original Imperial Army troops, so of which you might have seen before in earlier posts. So I will be just adding photo of those that are new. The theme of these being called Imperial Army 7th Regiment, 2nd Platoon, N Company 'Necromunda', Necromunda is a massive hive world, think Mega City One from Judge Dread, but a whole planet. These massive hives police themselves with 'sanctioned' gangs controlling the streets and walk ways. Then in turn the troops are recruited from these 'hive world' gangs, as they make excellent urban fighters.
First a nice group photo, which includes some of the other models I've painted.
'Luck Seven' banner, cards
Or dice.(1989)
Trooper Peart (1987)
Trooper Mosley (1987)
Orginal metal Storm Trooper
Trooper Bruce
Trooper Kelly
Imperial Assasin (Snake Eyes)
Sgt Howard
With a fine tash.
Imperial Heavy Trooper, one of the earliest models I own. March 87.
another version of the Imperial Heavy Infantry.
Same design, different model.
And another.
Trooper Pank
Ratlings/Halflings Hobbits, though I think this one looks like a Larry.
Ratling Sergeant
This one reminds me of Dustin Hoffman.
With a fat eye.
Rapier Cannon.
You can see the camo scheme better from the side.
Original Guard 'eggs on legs' Sentinels.
This version has the other crew variant.